Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Assignment for 10/31/2007

Dear All,

Happy Halloween!

Since most of you are probably too old to go trick-or-treating, I guess you would all have some times to finish up the little assignment that we have for today..

Living Environment 1: HW #16 (Due Tomorrow)
Glencoe: Read pp. 60-64; Do p. 64 Problems #1, 4
Reminder: Unit 3 Exam Next Monday/Tuesday.

Regent Chemistry 1: HW #20 (Due Tomorrow)
Holt: Read pp. 116-122; Do p. 122 Problems #5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Assignment for 10/30/07

Dear All,

Following is the assignment for 10/30/07:

Living Environment 1: HW #15 (Due tomorrow)
1. Draw diagrams to summarize how water, nitrogen, and carbon get recycled throughout the ecosystem (3 diagrams).

2. How is a phosphorous cycle different from water, carbon, and nitrogen cycle?

Regent Chemistry 1: Steam-off... Relax!

Dr. Liu

Monday, October 29, 2007

Update for 10/29/07

Dear All,

The following are the information update for today.

For Living Environment 1: No HW today.

For Regent Chemistry 1: Study for Unit #3 Exam tomorrow!

For the answers to questions on the review sheet which we did not get a chance to go over:

6) a) Sr2+ (38)
Proton # = 38 ; Neutron # = 50 ; Electron # = 36 ; Size vs. original atom: Smaller
Electron Configuration of Ion: 2-8-18-8

b) I- (53)
Proton # = 53 ; Neutron # = 74 ; Electron # = 54 ; Size vs. original atom: Bigger
Electron Configuration of Ion: 2-8-18-18-8

c) As3- (33)
Proton # = 33 ; Neutron # = 42 ; Electron # = 36 ; Size vs. original atom: Bigger
Electron Configuration of Ion: 2-8-18-8

• With these information you should be able to draw the atomic structure. Remember, number of protons do not get changed, only the number of electrons. And the electron configuration of the ion is going to be different from that of the atom (because of new # of electrons associated with ions).

7A) John Dalton's atomic model:

- What are the key points of John Dalton’s atomic Model?

1. Each element is composed of indivisible particles called atoms.
2. Atoms of a given element are identical in their physical and chemical properties. Atoms of different element would have different properties.
3. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds.
4. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged, but they are not created, destroyed, or changed.

- List two ways in which his atomic model had been found to be not true.

1) Atom can be subdivided further into subatomic particles.
2) Presence of Isotopes indicate atoms of same element can have different mass.

7B) J. J. Thomson

- What is his major contribution to atomic theory?
ANS.: He discovered the electron, and proposed plum-pudding model of atom.

- What experiment he did to proved his point? What was result of the experiment? What was his conclusion?
• Experiment: Applied a magnet on a beam in the Cathode Ray Tube under high voltage.
• Results: Regardless of materials of electrodes, the cathode rays bent toward the positive charged side of magnet.
• Conclusion: Since opposite charge attract, this subatomic particles must have negative charge - electrons.

7C) Ernest Rutheford

- What is his major contribution to atomic theory?
Ans.: He discovered the presence of a small, dense, positively charged nucleus. Found that the volume of atoms consists mostly of empty spaces.

- What experiment he did to proved his point? What was result of the experiment? What was his conclusion?

• Experiment Conducted: Bombarded thin gold foils with positively charged alpha particles.
• Results: The alpha particles passed through the gold foil most of the time without change in direction; but ~ 1 out of 10,000 times, it bounced back or was greatly deflected.
• Conclusion:
1) Most part of the atom consists of empty spaces.
2) Atoms must have a small, dense, positively charged nucleus that bounces back the alpha particles without being knocked off the position.

7D) Niels Bohr

- What are key points of Bohr’s atomic model?

1. Electron could only orbit at certain specified distance from the nucleus. Each distance represents a discrete amount of energy that an electron can have.
2. The lowest energy level was called the ground state. Since electrons could not have lower energy than the ground state, it could not come any closer to the nucleus and thus would remain stable.
3. In a given orbit, an electron never radiated or absorbed energy.
4. When an atom absorbed exactly the right amount of energy, the electron would rise to a higher energy level (referred to as excited state). Conversely, if the electron fall from this excited state back to a lower energy level, it would release an energy that would appears as photon of light.

8) Ans. Orbital: a region of space around the nucleus in which there is a high probability of finding the electrons.
- Electrons are represented as electron clouds since there is no distinct orbits, and the probability of finding electrons vary gradually and have no sharp boundary.

9) Ans. When electron absorbs energy to go from the lower energy level to a higher energy level, it is said to make an energy state transition from the ground state to the excited state. Since electrons are unstable in the excited state, it would drop back to the lower energy level and releases photon with energy corresponds to the difference between the two energy levels; this would lead to the formation of characteristic line spectrum. This spectrum is different for each element and thus can be used as a “fingerprint” for the element.

Dr. Liu

Friday, October 26, 2007

Update for 10/26/07

Dear All,

Now that I have a chance to talk to some of your parents and discuss what had happened during the past marking period, I just want to emphasize a few things:

1. Do your labs: If you don't come to the labs, not only will you get a shoddy course grade, you won't be eligible for Regent exam, and you might have to go to summer school or retake the course over again if you want to graduate. If you had attended the lab., complete your lab. report and hand them in!

2. Homework counts: Some of you overlook this part of the course grade thinking it is unimportant. Your marking period 1 grade should have prove you wrong!

3. Come to class and ready to learn: Your exam and quiz depend on how much you have learned from everything you did in class and at home.

Everyone of you can pass the class if you did all the work to the best of your ability and tried your best to learn. You will enjoy the reward so much more once you give it your best shot and honest efforts.

Now for the weekend update:

Living Environment 1: Finish HW #14 and complete any labs. write-up that is still missing!

Regent Chemistry 1: Work on the review sheet, do your best and we will go over it on Monday. Unit Exam #3 on Tuesday! Also, complete that lab. report #7.

That's all, have a nice weekend!

Dr. Liu

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Assignment for 10/25/07

Dear All,

Following is the assignment for 10/25/07:

Living Environment 1: HW #14 (Due Monday 10/29/07):
Glencoe: Read pp. 45~49; Do p. 49 Problems #1, 2, 3.
Reminder: Lab. #6+#7 write-up past due!!!

Regent Chemistry 1: No HW today. Finish up your lab. #7 lab. report (due Monday).
Reminder: Exam next Tuesday (Hmmm... Smells like a conspiracy theory to me...)

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Assignment for 10/24/2007

Dear All,

The following are the assignments for 10/24/07:

Living Environment 1: HW #13 (Due tomorrow)
1. Compare and contrast a food chain and a food web.
2. If the Sun was to produce less energy and then finally burned out, what effect will it has on the living organisms.
• Reminder: Finish your lab #6~#7 write-up and hand them in!!

Regent Chemistry 1: HW # 19 (Due tomorrow)
Do p. 99 Problems 5, 6, 7.
• Reminder: Start working on your lab. report #7. Exam next Monday.

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Assignment for 10/23/2007

Dear All,

The following are the assignment for 10/23/07:

Living Environment 1: With our in-class discussion today, I think you can finished the remaining questions for the Lab. #6 and #7 write-up. Complete it for tonight and hand it in tomorrow (Wednesday).

Regent Chemistry 1: HW #18 (Due tomorrow)
Holt - Read pp. 96~99. Do p. 99 Problems 1, 2, 3.

Dr. Liu

Monday, October 22, 2007

Update for 10/22/2007

Dear All,

For Living Environment 1:
• Start working on answering all the questions in Lab. #6 and #7.
Due date: This Friday (10/26/07).
• For those of you (and there's a lot of you) who didn't submit HW #12 today, make sure you complete it and hand it in for tomorrow.

For Regent Chemistry 1:
Just make sure you submit Lab. Report #6 and HW #17. No additional HW today.
Reminder: Lab # 7 tomorrow.

Dr. Liu

Friday, October 19, 2007

Assignment for 10/19/2007

Dear All,

Here is the assignment for the weekend...

Living Environment 1:
1) Finish HW # 12 - due Monday.
2) Complete answering questions in Part I of the Lab #6: Diffusion through Membrane.
3) Bring Lab. Sheet for Monday: Part II of the Lab. Read the sheet before the lab. to get some idea.

Regent Chemistry 1:
1) Finish Lab. Report #6 - due Monday.
2) HW #17 (Due Monday): Holt - Read pp. 90-95. Answer the question:
• Describe the contribution of each of the following scientists to the development of atomic model:
a) John Dalton
b) J. J. Thomson
c) Ernest Rutherford
d) Niels Bohr

Have a nice weekend!

Dr. Liu

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Assignment for 10/18/2007

Dear All,

Following are the assignments for 10/18/2007.

Living Environment 1: HW #12 (due Monday 10/22/07)
Glencoe: Read pp. 41-44, Do p. 44 Problems # 1, 2.

Regent Chemistry 1: No HW today. Make sure you start to work on your Lab. Report #6 which is due next Monday.

That's all, folks!

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Assignment for 10/17/2007

Dear All,

the following is the assignment for 10/17/2007:

Living Environment 1: (Due tomorrow - Thursday):
HW #11: Glencoe: Read pp. 38-40. Answer the following questions:
1) Find an organism in your community, and differentiate between the habitat and niche for that organism.
2) Explain three different kinds of symbiotic relationship.
*For my Period 2 class: your due date for this assignment will be Friday 10/19/07.

Regent Chemistry 1: (Due tomorrow)
HW # 16: Holt: Read pp. 74-78; Do p. 78 Problems #3, 5.

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Update for 10/16/2007

Dear all,

No HW assignment for today!

10th and 11th graders: Remember PSAT tomorrow! Arriving at 7:30 AM.
9th and 12 th graders: Report at 10:40 AM to your 3rd period classes, then go to your 5th period class for next class.

Dr. Liu

Monday, October 15, 2007

Assignment for 10/15/2007

Dear All,

Let's make it a fresh start for the second marking period! It's not difficult to pass the class, but you've got to do your part to earn your grade.

Living Environment 1: HW #10 (Due tomorrow)
Glencoe: Read pp. 32~40, Do p. 40 Problems 1, 2.

Regent Chemistry 1: HW #15 (Due tomorrow)
Holt: Read pp. 79~89; Do P. 89 Problems 1, 2, 3

Dr. Liu

Friday, October 12, 2007

Assignment for 10/12/2007

Dear All,

Now that the Unit #2 Exam is done, that's is it for the first marking period!

Living Environment 1: Make sure you complete the write-up for Lab. #5 and answer all the questions (only thing you don't need to do is Going Further section). Due Monday 10/15/2007.

Regent Chemistry 1: Complete the Lab. No. 5 report and answer all the questions. Due Monday 10/15/2007.

Have a good weekend, I know mine is definitely full because I'll need to grade all your works! :-(

Dr. Liu

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Update for 10/11/2007

Hi All,

For Regent Chemistry 1: STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!
Unit #2 Exam Tomorrow! Your last chance to make a passing grade for Marking Period 1!

For Living Environment 1: Time to relax a bit after today's Exam...
Tomorrow: Lab. # 5.

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Assignment for 10/10/07

Dear All,

All of you should start studying hard for the Unit Exam #2 (which will goes into this marking period's grades).

Living Environment 1: No HW today, Just studying for the Exam tomorrow!
Specific Topics to be covered for Unit Exam #2:
1. Characteristics of living things
2. Metabolism and Homeostasis
3. Common elements found in living things.
4. Sub-atomic particles of atoms and their characteristics, including atomic # and mass.
5. 4 types of biological macromolecules: Know a few examples and their functions. For protein you should know it is made up of 20 different amino acids.
6. Enzyme as a biological catalysts. How enzymes work. Factors affecting enzyme's rate of reaction.
7. Basic definition of Acids, Bases, and pH scale.
8. Difference between covalent bond, ionic bond, and Van der Waals forces. Properties of Water as example (Hydrogen bond).
9. Theory of Spontaneous Generation; Theory of Biogenesis.

Regent Chemistry 1: Work on the review sheet. Bring specific questions tomorrow.
Unit 2 Exam on Friday!

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Assignment for 10/9/07

Dear All,

The following is the assignment for 10/9/07:

Living Environment 1: HW #9 (Due tomorrow)
Glencoe: Read pp. 401~407. Do p. 407 Problems #2, 3.
Reminder: 1. Deadline for all lab. write-ups and make-up HW is Wednesday 10/10/07.

Regent Chemistry 1: No HW for today.
Reminder: 1. Deadline for all lab. reports and make-up HW is Wednesday 10/10/07.

Dr. Liu

Friday, October 5, 2007

Assignment for 10/5/07

Dear All,

Here are the assignment for this upcoming weekend:

Living Environment 1:
1. Complete the write-up for Lab. #3 and Lab. #4. Both are due Tuesday (10/9/07).
2. Make-up any homework that you have missed. If you are not sure, e-mail me so I will give you a list of what I have graded so far. Last make-up homework acceptance date is Wednesday (10/10/12). After that I will not accept any more make-up homework.
3. Begin to study for the unit exam next week, which is going to be on the basic chemistry of life. Use your notes and assigned homeworks as guideline.

Regent Chemistry 1:
1. HW. #14: Holt Read pp. 431-432, Do p. 432 Problems #5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Due Tuesday (10/9/07).
2. Lab. Report #4 due Tuesday (10/9/07).
3. For the few people who've been missing homework or lab. report, make it all up by next Wednesday (10/10/07) or I simply will not accept it beyond that date.
4. Prepare for the unit exam next week.

That's all, hopefully I can get in one more exam to help you bring up the grades, as quite a number of you do need to bring it up after the first unit exam...

Dr. Liu

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Assignment for 10/4/07

Dear All,

The following are the assignments for 10/4/2007:

Living Environment 1:
1. Lab. #3 write-up is due (10/9/07) Tuesday of next week. You are to answer every questions (Pre-lab discussion + Analysis & Conclusions) except the Going Further part.
2. HW #8 is due tomorrow (10/5/07).

Regent Chemistry 1:
HW #13 (Due tomorrow)
Holt-Read pp. 426-431, Do p. 428 Problems 1, 2. p. 431 Problem 2.

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Assignment for 10/3/07

To All,

The following are the assignement for 10/3/2007.

Living Environment 1: HW #8 (Due Fri 10/5/07)
Glencoe: Read pp. 156~160. Do p. 160 Problems #3, 4.
Reminder: a) Lab. #3 Thursday, Lab. #4 Friday.
b) Exam next Thursday.

Regent Chemistry 1: HW #12 (Due Tomorrow)
Holt: Read pp. 421-425, Do p. 422 Problems 11, p. 425 Problems 1, 2.
Reminder: a) Lab. #4 report due next Tuesday.

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Assignment for 10/2/07

Dear All,

The following are the assignment for 10/2/07:

Regent Chemistry I: HW #11: Holt - Read pp. 416~422; Do p. 422 Problems 4, 5, 8.
The report for lab #4 done today will be due next Monday.

Living Environment 1: No HW today, make sure you make up for the missing HWs since end of first marking period is approaching...

Dr. Liu

Monday, October 1, 2007

Assignment for 10/1/07

Dear All,

The following are assignment for 10/1/2007:

Living Environment 1: HW #7 (Due Tuesday 10/2/07):
Glencoe: Read pp. 166-171; Do p. 171 Problems #2, 3.
Reminder: Turn in HW #6 (past due, Monday).

Regent Chemistry 1: Where is that Lab. report #3 you're supposed to turn in today??
Otherwise, post-exam steam-off! Remember, Lab. #4 tomorrow!

That's all, folks!

Dr. Liu