Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Vacation!!

That's it, boys and girls, the end of the 2008-09 academic year and the beginning of the Summer vacation!

I know some of you have summer jobs, while other may take some classes, or just relax and enjoy the break. Regardless what you do, take some time to enjoy the vacation, so you will all be ready for another challenging academic year after this summer break.

See you all in September. Until then, I'm signing off...

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update for 6/24/2009

To my students,

Haven't update this blog for a while... By now perhaps most of you are done with all the Regent exams and getting ready for your summer breaks. We do have one more school day, though... On Friday, you're supposed to report to your regular 3rd period class at 9:00 AM to get your attendance taken and to receive your report card. After taking care of both items, then you will be dismissed...

So, just one more day, then...

• Reminder: If you have not return your book, please bring it in on Friday and returned it. The school will start sending the bill starting next week.

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Key for Review Pkgs

Here is the link to the key for your regent review package.

Go for it!

Dr. Liu

Monday, June 15, 2009

Update for 6/15/2009

So, this is it, huh? Last day - before the Regents, that is...

Alright, Here it is, then:

• Make sure you study for the Regent Exams. You've work hard for the whole year, now you've got to make sure that you finish it on the right note after all those hard works!!

• Morning Session Regents begin at 8:15 AM, afternoon session Regents begin at 12:15 PM. Give yourself sometimes before the session starts by coming in about 10~15 minutes early.

• Bring your student photo ID, a few black/blue pens and pencils, and a scientific calculator. (And bring your textbook to be returned).

• Get some rests the nights before the exam.

Good Luck!!!

Dr. Liu

Friday, June 12, 2009

Update for 6/12/2009

Here is the update for this weekend:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Complete 3 new HW pkgs distributed today for Monday review. Will post the answers on the blog sometimes on Monday (or earlier, if possible).
• Return the textbook Prompto! If the textbook is not returned, your first mail from the school after the Regent week will be a bill for $95.00.
• Last Saturday Regent Prep in Chemistry will be tomorrow from 10AM ~ 1PM.
• We are entering the final stretch: Whether the works you put in during this whole year will be validated by your performance on the Regent Exam. Don't let up!!

Environmental Sciences 1 & 2:
• No Work this weekend... Prepare your other Regent exams...

Dr. Liu

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Update for 6/11/09

Here is the update for today:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Work on the two HW Pkgs for tomorrow: Acides & Bases, and Reactions.
• Continue to study for your Chemistry Regent Exam.
• Text book Return - Tomorrow!!!!!!

Environmental Sciences 1:
• Final chance to submit your GMO Project is TOMORROW!!!!
• Last day for assignment submission and make-up test is tomorrow.

Environmental Sciences 2:
• No HW today. Last day for assignment submission and make-up test is tomorrow.

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Update for 6/10/2009

Here is the update for today:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Cumulative Regent Practice Exam Tomorrow. (Will count as one exam in 3rd MP grade).
• New HW pkg. on acids-bases distributed today. You won't be responsible for its content on tomorrow's exam. Complete it for Friday.
• Reminder: Bring your Chemistry textbook to be returned during this week.

Environmental Sciences 1:
• Be sure to complete your GMO Project by either tomorrow or Thursday.
• As I have mentioned, there are some changes regarding studying questions of GMO Project:
* Instead of answering all ten study questions, I am going to allow you to select any six questions out of the ten listed and answer them to the best of your ability (after doing some research). Be sure to label the selected questions and answers clearly.

Environmental Sciences 2:
• No HW today.
• Reminder: I have only received a limited number of your renewable energy projects. It will count toward 20% of your grade.

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Update for 6/9/2009

Here are the updates for today:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• No new HW pkg. today. Finish up the B-2 Practice questions started in class today.
• Cumulative Regent Practice Exam is this Thursday! (Will count as one exam in 3rd MP grade).
• Finish all your HW pkgs! We will go over selected problems tomorrow.
• Reminder: Bring your Chemistry textbook to be returned during this week.

Environmental Sciences 1:
• Unit Exam tomorrow.
• Be sure to complete your GMO Project by either tomorrow or Thursday.
• Changes Regarding Studying Questions of GMO Project:
1) Instead of answering all ten study questions, I am going to allow you to select any six questions out of the ten listed and answer them to the best of your ability (after doing some research). Be sure to list the selected questions and answers clearly.
2) For 2nd question, check the following link.

Environmental Sciences 2:
• Unit Exam tomorrow.
• Reminder: I have only received a limited number of your renewable energy projects. It will count toward 20% of your grade.

Dr. Liu

Monday, June 8, 2009

Update for 6/8/09

Here is the update for today:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Regent Prep continues: Work on HW pkg. #4 (Bonding) and #5 (Solutions) for tomorrow.
• Cumulative Regent Practice Exam on Thursday (Will count as one unit exam).
• Reminder: Textbook Return this week (or you get a bill for $95 right after the Regent Exam).

Environmental Sciences 1:
• Project on Genetically Modified Crops due this Wednesday.
• In view of Senior graduation rehearsal (Thursday, Monday) and Senior BBQ (Friday), I've no choice but to move the last unit exam to Wednesday.

Environmental Sciences 2:
• Project on renewable resources is way past due!!
• Unit Exam on this Wednesday.

Dr. Liu

Friday, June 5, 2009

Update for 6/5/2009

Here is the update for this weekend:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• 2 Regent HW Packets #2 and #3 due Monday.
• Deadline for all late/missing HW is tonight - No more make-up HW submission after tonight.
• Textbook return starting next Monday.
• Saturday Regents Prep for Chemistry continues tomorrow 10 AM ~ 1 PM in Rm. 336.

Environmental Sciences 1:
• A mini-research paper on genetically modified food has been assigned today. You are to perform literature research in order for you to answer the ten questions posed (in questions and answers format). After you complete the questions, you are to write a short essay for the following question: Do you feel genetically modified crops is the right solution for addressing the growing demands of a sharply rising human population?
• The project has to be typed (with 1.5 lines spacing) and will be due next Wednesday. For the guideline of the project, see here. At the end of the project, include a separate reference section listing the sources of information for your answers.
• Last unit exam will be next Thursday.

Environmental Sciences 2:
• Reminder: Your Project on renewable energy resources is PAST DUE!!! (The project has to be typedd and be sure to include a reference section).
• Last unit exam is likely to be next Wednesday or Thursday.

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chemistry Regent Review Preparation

To my students,

Now that we're in the Regent Exam Preparation mode (June 17 is the exam date), here are what you will need to do:

1. Make sure you get a scientific calculator (non-graphing one) and become familiarize with how to use them.
2. Spend at least 1 to 1 1/2 hrs each day going over each of the topic below and get some practices with Regent review problems on the topics.
3. Be certain that you can use everything on the References Tables.

• Topics for Chemistry Regent Exam:
M. Math Skills (in all topics)
I. Atomic Concepts
II. Periodic Table and Trends
III. Moles/Stoichiometry
IV. Chemical Bonding
V. Physical Behaviors of Materials (Including Gas Laws)
VI. Kinetics / Equilibrium
VII. Organic Chemistry
VIII. Oxidation-Reduction
IX. Acids, Bases and Salts
X. Nuclear Chemistry

So how will you do that? Well, I will be assigning a HW packet each day on a single topic. You will do the packet and at the same time review the materials to help refresh your memory. There are two ways to get some reviews on each topic:
a) Go to Queensborough public library (or any NY public library) or Barnes and Nobles to check out/buy the Barron's Let's Review Book on Chemistry (Blue book) - and to read them, of course (not just putting under your pillow). OR
b) Use the resources on the internet. I would recommend for review on each topic, and use Oswego's site for topic-based practice questions.
c) For comprehensive regent exam practices, down load the past exams (and answers) from here and just do a lot of practice to become familiarize with Regent format and questions.

In class we will go over selected regent problems and answers and review the topics if necessary. Remember, you've come this far, now you have to keep yourself focused on what needs to be done and then just get it done!

Good Luck!

Dr. Liu

Update for 6/3/2009

Here is the update for today:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Regent HW Packet #1 due Friday.

Environmental Sciences 1:
• No new HW today. Be sure to complete your essay HW on mandatory birth control.
• A mini-project will be assigned on Friday - it will be due next Tuesday.

Environmental Sciences 2:
• Your Project on renewable energy resources is PAST DUE!!! (Be sure to include a reference section).

Enjoy your little break, see you on Friday.

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Update for 6/2/09

Here is the update:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Okay, now we get our unit 13 exam out of the way, you should get yourself ready in the mode for Regent Preps... Only 15 days away!
• For those who still have yet to meet the mandatory lab requirement, remember, TOMORROW IS THE FINAL DEADLINE !!
• Reminder: This Friday is the deadline for making up any missing/late HWs (No makeup will be accepted after this date).

Environmental Science 1:
• No HW today.

Environmental Science 2:
• Research paper project on renewable energy due tomorrow.

Dr. Liu

Monday, June 1, 2009

Update for 6/1/2009

Here is the update for today:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Unit 13 Exam on Nuclear Chemistry tomorrow - Open Notes.
• You should have checked your Regent Eligibility status posted on the bulletin board today. Although I've been asked to submit the final regent eligibility list already, for those who are missing only a few labs (target is 28 labs to be eligible for Regents), if you finish and submit your labs by this Wednesday, I will consider adding your name to the list after I verify the lab report to be satisfactory.
• Reminder: This Friday is the deadline for making up any missing/late HWs. If you can't finish it by then, you can forget about it and be ready for your final grade.
• There will be no more Chemistry labs for the remaining two weeks (so you can sleep a little later...)

Environmental Sciences 1:
• No HW today.

Environmental Sciences 2:
• Renewable resources project due this Wednesday (in 2 days).

Dr. Liu