Thursday, January 22, 2015

Update for 1-22-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
•  Unit 4 Exam is completed in class today.

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  Unit 6 Exam is completed in class today.

Science, Technology & Society:
•  TEST #4 is completed in class today.

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Update for 1-21-2015

Here is the update for this TODAY:
Earth Science 1:
•  Unit 4 Exam:  Rocks & Minerals will be held Tomorrow.  Bring #2 pencil and ESRT.

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  HW #25 Worksheet on Empirical to Molecular Formula Conversion is PAST DUE.
•  Unit 6 Exam:  Moles, % Composition & Chemical Formula will be held TOMORROW.  The key to the Unit Review sheet can be downloaded from here.  Bring #2 pencil, calculator, and Ref. Tables.

Science, Technology & Society:
•  Lesson on Renewable Energy Sources can be downloaded by click here.
•  TEST #4 on climate change and renewable energy source will be held TOMORROW. Bring #2 pencil. 

Dr. Liu

Friday, January 16, 2015

Update for 1-16-2015

Here is the update for this weekend:
Earth Science 1:
•  Dept. Final Exam has been completed.  If you missed it, it's your responsibility to come to see me about making up the exam.
•  Unit 4 Exam:  Rocks & Minerals will be held on Thursday.  Review sheet will be distributed on Tuesday.
•  Otherwise, no new assignment for this weekend.  

Regent Chemistry 1:

•  Dept. Final Exam has been completed.  If you missed it, it's your responsibility to come to see me about making up the exam.
•  HW #25 Worksheet on Empirical to Molecular Formula Conversion is due Wednesday.
•  Unit 6 Exam:  Moles, % Composition & Chemical Formula will be held on Thursday.  Review sheet will be distributed on Tuesday.

Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new HW for this weekend.
•  TEST #4 on climate change and renewable energy source will be held next Thursday.  

Dr. Liu

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Update for 1-15-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
•  HW #23 Worksheet - Metamorphic Rocks and Lab. Sheet #15 are PAST DUE.
•  Reminder:  TOMORROW is the deadline for all make-up assignments.  
•  Reminder:  Dept. Final Exam will be held TOMORROW.  Bring #2 pencil, ESRT, and a calculator.  See yesterday's posting regarding the scope and the preparation for the Final exam. 

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  HW #25 (Due Wednesday):  Worksheet - Conversion between Empirical & Molecular Formula.
•  Completed Lab. Report #15 is DUE TOMORROW.
•  Reminder:  TOMORROW is the deadline for all make-up assignments.  
•  Reminder:  Dept. Final Exam will be held TOMORROW.  Bring #2 pencil, Chem Ref. Tables, and a  calculator.  See yesterday's posting regarding the scope and the preparation for the Final exam. 
Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new HW for tonight.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments is TOMORROW!!
•  TEST #4 on climate change and renewable energy source will be held next Thursday.  

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Update for 1-14-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
•  HW #23 (Due Tomorrow):  Worksheet - Metamorphic Rocks.
•  Completed Lab. sheet #15 will be due tomorrow.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be held THIS FRIDAY!!
•  The ES Final Exam will consists of 40 multiple choices questions.  It will cover everything from September and all the way up to and include the current unit of Rocks & Minerals (which shall be concluded tomorrow).  The exam will include the following topics:
     1.  Observation, Inferences, and Measurements (e.g. Density)
     2.  Locating Positions on Earth (e.g. Latitude & Longitudes, Contour Maps)
     3.  Dynamic Earth (e.g. Earthquakes, Earth's interior structures, Plate Tectonic Theory - origin and evidences)
     4.  Rocks and Minerals (Identifications & Classifications, with emphasis on ESRT)
There are a number of sources which would be useful for study for the exam (listed on the right-hand panel of this blog), but I think Regents Prep.Org provide a good topical summary review on each topic, and then follow up with question practices should help you become familiar with the materials. 

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  HW #24 (Due Tomorrow):  Worksheet - Conversion between Mole and Mass.
•  Completed Lab. Report #15 will be due by Friday.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be held THIS FRIDAY!!
•  The Chemistry 1 Final Exam will consists of 40 multiple choices questions.  Topics to be covered on the Final Exam: Classifications (Pure Substance vs. Mixtures), Physical vs. Chemical Properties, Heat vs. Temperature, Separation of Mixures, Atomic Configurations and Atomic Models Developments, Periodic Table and Periodic Trends of Properties, Chemical Bondings (ionic, covalent, and metallic),Molar Mass and % Compositions. For online resource to help you study, this should be a good starting point.
Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new HW for tonight.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments is THIS FRIDAY!!  

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Update for 1-13-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
•  HW #23 (Due Thurs.):  Worksheet - Metamorphic Rocks.
•  Lab. #15 will be held tomorrow in Rm. 315.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be held THIS FRIDAY!! 

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  Quiz #6 on Molar Mass & % Composition is completed in class today.
•  HW #24 (Due Thurs.):  Worksheet - Conversion between Mole and Mass.
•  Lab. #15 will be held tomorrow in Rm. 311.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be held THIS FRIDAY!!  
Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new HW for tonight.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments is THIS FRIDAY!!  

Dr. Liu

Monday, January 12, 2015

Update for 1-12-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
•  No new HW for tonight.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be held THIS FRIDAY!! 

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  Reminder:  Lab. Report #14 is PAST DUE.
•  No new HW for tonight.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be held THIS FRIDAY!!  
Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new HW for tonight.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments is THIS FRIDAY!!  

Dr. Liu

Friday, January 9, 2015

Update for 1-09-2015

Here is the update for this weekend:
Earth Science 1:
•  Reminder:  HW #22 Sedimentary Rocks Worksheet and Lab. Sheet #14 are both PAST DUE.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be Next Friday (1/16/2015). 

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  Reminder:  Lab. Report #14 will be due on Monday.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments and Dept. Final Exam will be Next Friday (1/16/2015). 
Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new assignment for this weekend.
•  Reminder:  The deadline for all make-up assignments is Next Friday (1/16/2015).  

Dr. Liu

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Update for 1-08-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
•  HW #22 (Due TOMORROW):  Worksheet - Sedimentary Rocks.
•  Completed Lab. Sheet #14 will be DUE TOMORROW.
•  Reminder:  Dept. Final Exam next Friday (1/16/2015). 

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  HW #23 (Due TOMORROW):  Worksheet – Mole to Particle Conversion, Molar Mass, and Percent Composition.
•  Lab. Report #14 will be due on Monday.
•  Reminder:  Dept. Final Exam next Friday (1/16/2015). 
Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new assignment for tonight.

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Update for 1-07-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
•  HW #22 (Due Friday):  Worksheet - Sedimentary Rocks.
•  Lab. #14 will be held tomorrow in Rm. 315.
•  Reminder:  Dept. Final Exam next Friday (1/16/2015). 

Regent Chemistry 1:
•  HW #23 (Due Friday):  Worksheet – Mole to Particle Conversion, Molar Mass, and Percent Composition.
•  Lab. #14 will be held tomorrow in Rm. 311.
•  Reminder:  Dept. Final Exam next Friday (1/16/2015). 
Science, Technology & Society:
•  No new assignment for tonight.

Dr. Liu

Monday, January 5, 2015

Update for 1-05-2015

Welcome back, and Happy New Year!
Earth Science 1:
•  Today was the last chance to make-up Quiz #5.
•  Christmas Online Exam on CastleLearning.Com is PAST DUE.  If you haven't complete it, be sure to finish it immediately. 
Regent Chemistry 1:
•  Today was the last chance to make-up Unit 5 Exam.
•  Christmas Online Exam on CastleLearning.Com is PAST DUE.  If you haven't complete it, be sure to finish it immediately.
Science, Technology & Society:
•  Today was the last chance to make-up Test #3.
•  Reminder:  Essay #5 - Cloning & Stem Cell Technologies is PAST DUE as of TODAY.

Dr. Liu