Friday, December 21, 2007

Update for 12/21/07

To all my students,

The Christmas is finally here!

Here are the updates:

Living Environment 1: You guys got lucky...
I will be laboring over your exams and project over the break, so I'm not gonna assign you new ones (which would mean more work for me), enjoy your vacation!
* Period 5 will need to finish your Lab. Write-up #13, due first day when you come back!
• For those that need to make up HWs and Lab. report, finish them over the break and bring them in first thing when we come back!

Regent Chemistry 1: Well, let's see...
• Since a lot of you didn't hand in the lab. report #14, finish the report and turn it in first thing after the break.
• As I have said, Unit exam is likely to be on the Thursday when we come back (1/3/08). I am not going to give you a "vacation package", but you really should use this time to review and study for the test to make sure you know the stuffs well. Use the Regent review questions in Holt - pp. 252-256 for your exam practices. Bring specific questions when we come back.

Since we only have 2 weeks remain in the semester, if you choose, you may write me an e-mail to inquire about your missing works so that you can complete it during the break. If you don't, well, it's your loss...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Update for 12/19/07

To my students,

Here is the update for today...

Living Environment 1: After today's exam, Relax!
If you're missing any work (HW or lab. write-up), make it up and submit it by Friday so I can grade it over the break..

Regent Chemistry 1: HW #32 (Due Friday)
Holt - Read pp. 241-248, Do p. 248 Problems #1, 4, 5, 6.
• If you can, try to finish up the lab. report (#14) for this week's lab and submit it by Friday (at least you can get one thing out of your vacation plan)...

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Update for 12/18/07

Here is the update:

Living Environment 1: Study for Exam tomorrow!
Cellular Transport (Ch. 7 pp. 185-190, pp. 201-207)
Cellular Energy (Ch. 8. pp. 218-233).

Regent Chemistry 1: HW #31 (Due Tomorrow)
Holt - Read pp. 234-240, Do p. 240 Problems # 8, #10 d, e, #11 a, b

Dr. Liu

Monday, December 17, 2007

Update for 12/17/07

Here is the update:

Living Environment 1: (No HW today).
1. Finish the Lab. write-up #13 and hand it in!
2. Unit Exam on Wednesday. The primary focus in on Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (entire Ch. 8, pp. 218-233). In Ch. 7 make sure you review Cellular Transport mechanisms pp. 185-190, pp. 201-207. Start studying!

Regent Chemistry 1: (No HW today).
Finish the lab. report #13 by tomorrow!

Dr. Liu

Friday, December 14, 2007

Update for 12/14/07

Here is the update for today:

Living Environment 1:
• Lab. #13 write-up due on Monday.
• Unit Exam #5 next Wednesday - it will cover cell organelles and its functions, photosynthesis, & cellular respiration. Pages covered on textbook: pp. 185~207, pp. 218~233.

Regent Chemistry 1:
• HW #30 (Due Monday): Holt - Do p. 233 Problems #9, 10, 12, 13.
• Try your best to finish the Lab. report #13 by Monday. If having difficulty, then leave it for Tuesday.

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Update for 12/11/07

Living Environment 1: No HW for today. Make sure you complete Lab. Write-up #12 and HW #26 (which were suppose to be due today).
Reminder: Unit Exam next Monday!

Regent Chemistry 1: HW #29 (Due tomorrow)
Holt - Read pp. 224-233, Do p. 233 Problems #1, 6, 7.

Dr. Liu

Friday, December 7, 2007

Update for 12/7/2007

To my students,

The following are the update for today:

Regent Chemistry 1: Now that you've taken the exam, you can enjoy your weekend a lot more, isn't it? Judging from the looks on your faces after you turn in the exam, doesn't look like anyone is going to ace this one...
• Finish Lab. Report #12 for Monday.

Living Environment 1:
• Finish the Lab. #12 write-up for Monday.
• HW #26 is due on Monday as well.
• Reminder: Exam next week on Cell biology, organelle/function, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration.

Have a good weekend.

Dr. Liu

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Assignment for 12/6/07

To my students:

Living Environment 1:
• HW #26 (Due Monday) - Glencoe: Read pp. 228-233, Do p. 233 Problems #1, 2, 4.
• PD 8 students: As I mentioned, you will be responsible for covering the subject of photosyntheis reactions on your own (include light-dependent phase and Calvin cycle); as you have made your choice, so I won't be going over the subject in class.

Regent Chemistry 1: I am fairly disappointed, to say the least. Same questions of similar types have been answered more than 3 or 4 times during today's review; it's clear that you have not taken advantage of the review sheet or pay attention during the session, which then means the review sheet/session have outstayed its usefullness... Exam will be on tomorrow.

Below, I am including the answers to the questions which we have not gone over in class:
4. c) Ag2SO4 - Silver sulfate
d) Cu3N2 - Copper (II) nitride
e) FeS - Iron (II) sulfide
f) Mg(NO2)2 - magnesium nitrite
5. a) non-polar covalent
b) non-polar covalent
c) polar covalent
d) polar covalent
e) polar covalent
6. a) non-polar molecule
b) non-polar molecule
c) polar molecule
d) non-polar molecule
e) polar molecule
f) polar molecule
g) polar molecule
7. 3
8. 4
9. 1
10. 4
11. 4
12. 1
13. 3
14. 3

Dr. Liu

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Assignment for 12/5/07

Dear all,

Here are the assignments for 12/5/07:

Living Environment 1: HW #25 (Due tomorrow)
Glencoe: Read pp. 222-227, Do p. 227 Problems #1, 2.
* E-mail me your project if you do not want automatic penalty to kick in!

Regent Chemistry 1: Work on the review sheet and review your note for tomorrow.
Unit Exam on Friday! Do well on this one!

Dr. Liu

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Assignment for 12/4/07

Dear All,

Following is the assignment for 12/4/07:

Living Environment 1:
1. There still quite a number of you who have not hand in your recycling project. Tomorrow is the final deadline for the project. If you hand in after tomorrow, your project's grade will get automatically penalized. Remember, I want a hard (paper) copy of your report, and an electronic version sent to my e-mail box as attachment to preserve your formatting. Sent to this address only:
2. HW #24 (Due tomorrow)
Glencoe: Read pp. 218-221, Do p. 221 Problems #3, 4.

Regent Chemistry 1:
No HW today. If you choose, go work on the lab. report to get one thing out of your weekend plan... by the way, Unit exam is on Friday!

Dr. Liu

Monday, December 3, 2007

Update for 12/3/07

Dear All,

Things should be easy today...

Living Environment 1: No HW today.
• Finish your Recycling project for tomorrow. Bring a paper copy for me, and send your electronic version to my e-mail account at "". Do not send to the e-mail address on school website since it's already full...
• Complete your Lab. #11 write-up and hand it in tomorrow, if you have not done so today...

Regent Chemistry 1: No HW today.
Reminder: Lab. #12 tomorrow, and Unit exam this Thursday or Friday!

Dr. Liu