Friday, December 21, 2007

Update for 12/21/07

To all my students,

The Christmas is finally here!

Here are the updates:

Living Environment 1: You guys got lucky...
I will be laboring over your exams and project over the break, so I'm not gonna assign you new ones (which would mean more work for me), enjoy your vacation!
* Period 5 will need to finish your Lab. Write-up #13, due first day when you come back!
• For those that need to make up HWs and Lab. report, finish them over the break and bring them in first thing when we come back!

Regent Chemistry 1: Well, let's see...
• Since a lot of you didn't hand in the lab. report #14, finish the report and turn it in first thing after the break.
• As I have said, Unit exam is likely to be on the Thursday when we come back (1/3/08). I am not going to give you a "vacation package", but you really should use this time to review and study for the test to make sure you know the stuffs well. Use the Regent review questions in Holt - pp. 252-256 for your exam practices. Bring specific questions when we come back.

Since we only have 2 weeks remain in the semester, if you choose, you may write me an e-mail to inquire about your missing works so that you can complete it during the break. If you don't, well, it's your loss...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Dr. Liu

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