Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Update for 4/1/2009

Unit Exam Tomorrow.

Sorry, can't help it, it's April Fool's Day!

Okay, back to our regular program:

Chemistry 2:
• HW #14 (Due tomorrow): Holt - Read pp. 512-518; Do p. 518 Q.: #1, 2, 3, 8, 9
• Reminder: Group A Lab. #21 tomorrow 1st period in Rm. 311.
• Unit 10 Exam likely to be held on Monday next week...
• Please check your Chem 1 Lab record on the bulletin board in Rm. 336. This will determine # of make-up labs needed for you to take to satisfy 1st semester chemistry lab requirement.
• For those of you that did not get a chance to do part II of the experiment on Tuesday, please note the following changes.
1. Instead of adding 10 mL 2.0M HCl into a beaker with 50 mL tap water, now we use 30 mL 2.0M HCl with 10 mL water.
2. Fill the 3 test tubes each with 10 mL of acid solution from step 1.
Test Tube 1 with rolled strip: reaction time is 215 sec.
Test Tube 2 with flat strip: reaction time is 195 sec.
Test Tube 3 with strip cut into 6 pieces: reaction time is 220 sec.
We also noted that while flat strip float vertically in the test tubes (Tube 2), the cut pieces all stay near the surface of the acid solution (Tube 3).

That should be enough observation for you to answer the question and do the analysis and discussion.

Environmental Sciences 1 & 2:
• Please work on the group presentation to be due this Friday.

Dr. Liu

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