Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Update for 6-2-2010

Here is the update for today:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• You guys think you've escaped another homework, huh? Well, may be for today, but I shall have the last say....(Evil laughter echoes...)
• Reminder: Lab. #30 continues tomorrow 9th period in Rm. 311. => Reminder: Lab. #30 write-up will be due this Friday.

Living Environment 2:
• Make sure you complete Test 6 & 7 for the Lab. #30 Biodiversity lab write-up. Be sure to answer all the remaining questions and submit the report no later than tomorrow.

1) Since I will not be assigning further homework from the textbook, if you don't need to keep the textbook for studying, you might want to start to bring in the textbook to be returned.
2) I am going to try to send you the progress report tonight (keep in mind I haven't entered some of last week's assignment yet...)

Dr. Liu

Dr. Liu

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