Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CastleLearning Online Take-Home Exam Instruction

To all classes:

Sorry about the delay in posting of the online exam, my Internet connection at home has been acting up a bit for the past two days. Please follow the steps below to complete your Mid-Winter Recess Online Take-Home Exam (Due: Monday after the Recess 2/28/2011):

a. Click the link for CastleLearning.Com.
b. Use your 9-digits student ID for both ID and password entry.
c. Upon Login, it will prompt you to set up for your own password; set it up and record the password for future reference.
d) Click on either "Chem_2 Winter Recess Take-Home Exam" for Regent Chemistry 2 classes or "Winter Recess Take-Home Exam" for Living Environment 2 classes to complete the exam. Be sure to finish all the questions (otherwise the server will not grade the exam and mark it as incomplete). You may complete the entire exam using multiple sessions, but once you submit the answer, you can't go back to the same question.

If there's any problem with the login procedure, write to me at "drliu.iths@gmail.com", I will reset the password for you. Good Luck!

Dr. Liu

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