Thursday, May 7, 2015

Update fot 5-07-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 2:
•  HW #11 Worksheet - Air Density & Air Pressure is PAST DUE.
•  Lab. #27 will be held tomorrow in regular classroom (Rm. #336). 
•  HW #12 (Due Monday):  Worksheet - Wind Circulation in Troposphere.
•  Reminder:  Tomorrow is the LAST DAY of 2nd MP.

 Chemistry 2:
•  HW #14 (Due Monday):  Worksheet - pH Scale & Indicators.
•  Unit 11 Exam is tentatively set for next Wednesday.
•  LAB #27 will be held tomorrow - in Rm. 311. 
•  Reminder:  Tomorrow is the LAST DAY of 2nd MP. 

Dr. Liu

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