Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Update for 6-3-2015

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 2:
•  For those of you who are scheduled for June ES Regent Exam, the lab. practicum will be held next Wed. and Thursday.  Your invitation will be distributed on Monday.  Remember to go through the video reviews on Mr. Cesaire's Earth Science Review website.
•  Deadline for all make-ups (HW or Labs) for this semester:  THIS FRIDAY!
•  ANNOUNCEMENT:  Cumulative Final Exam will be held next TUESDAY.
 Chemistry 2:
•  Reminder:  Chemistry Regent Preps permission form is PAST DUE.
•  The due date for Lab. Report #30 is THIS Friday.
•  HW #20 (Due Friday):  Redox Half- and Net-Ionic Equation Practices.
•  Deadline for all make-ups (HW or Labs) for this semester:  THIS FRIDAY! 
•  ANNOUNCEMENT:  Cumulative Final Exam will be held next TUESDAY.
Dr. Liu

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