Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Welcome Back! - 9/9/2015

Welcome back to another year at ITHS!!

Here is the update for today for all classes:  (Chem. 1, Earth Sci. 1, & Earth Sci. 3)

HW #1 (Due Tomorrow):  a) Read and sign the course syllabus by both you and your parent - submit it tomorrow (Do not tear off the bottom).  An electronic copy of the course syllabus will be posted on Jupiter ED for your future reference.
b) Send an e-mail from your regular e-mail acct. to  In the subj. heading, put down:  “Period #, Last Name, First Name”; In the body of e-mail, include your parent’s e-mail address.  This is to facilitate the periodic e-mailing of your progress report.

That's all for today.  You will receive more information about the first lab. tomorrow.

Dr. Liu 

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