Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Update for 6/11/08

Here are the updates:

Regent Chemistry 2:
• Most likely I won't be in the class for at least the next 2 days. Please have someone by my classroom door in the morning so that I can give you the Regent Drill exercise sheet for that day. I will try to post the answers sometimes this weekend.

Earth Science 2:
• For all those who qualified for Regent exam:
- PD. 3, you should have received an invitation to go to Rm. 311 during the beginning of PD. 3.
- PD. 4, some of you will go tomorrow during 2nd period, some will go during 3rd period (depend on your invitation).
- PD. 8, some of you will go during 2nd period, 3rd period, or Friday 5th period (depend on your invitation).
• For the rest of you, continue to practice on the Earth Science Regent exam. This will help to refresh your memory.

Good Luck!

Dr. Liu

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