Monday, January 25, 2010

Update for 1-25-2010

Finally, the last day of the Fall semester!!

To my Regent Chemistry 2 students:
• For those who have satisfied the NYS mandatory lab. requirement, the Chemistry Regent Exam will be held on Thursday (Jan. 28) during the afternoon session. Be certain to arrive the school at the latest by 12:00 PM. Make sure your bring the following items: 1) Number 2 pencils w/ erasers; 2) Blue or black ball point pens; 3) Student ID and 4) Non-graphing scientific calculators. The rest will be supplied by the school.

To all my Chemistry 1 and 2 students (and Environmental Science 2 student if you checked out the book):
• Please bring back the Holt- Chemistry textbook for collection during the Regent Week or immediately after you come back next week. During the Regent week, I am usually going to be in my room (336) or in room 308 if I am not proctoring. If you want you can also leave the textbook with main office (be sure to include a paper address to me with your name on it so I can remove your book receipt after confirmation).

That's all, Folks, it was a productive semester, and good luck on the Regent exams!

Dr. Liu

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