Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Update for 2-02-2010

Welcome back, Everyone!

Here is the Homework #1 for all the classes:

1) Both you and your parent should read through the course syllabus. Sign your name and have your parent sign his/her name as well. Do not tear off the bottom, it will be collected tomorrow and returned to you as soon as it's checked off.

2) Please send me an e-mail with your name (Last name, First name) and your class period in the subject heading. Also include your parent's e-mail in the body of the e-mail. This is to ensure that there would be no mistake when I transcribe your e-mail address into my gradebook.

3) Verify your online textbook access: (Use copy and paste to prevent any typos)

Living Environment:
Website: http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/ose/
Password: qOa5LefR

Regent Chemistry:
Website: http://my.hrw.com/
Login ID: ithschem
Password: drliu2006

4) Please be sure to bring a number 2 pencil and a pen for tomorrow (Chemistry 2: Bring your calculator & Ref. Tables as well).

See you all tomorrow.

Dr. Liu

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