Thursday, October 23, 2014

Update for 10-23-2013

Here is the update for today:
Earth Science 1:
• Completed Lab. sheet #6 is DUE NO LATER THAN TOMORROW.

Regent Chemistry 1:
• Unit 3 Exam will be held TOMORROW.  Bring #2 pencil, calculator, and Ref. Tables.
• Lab. Report #6 will be DUE on MONDAY.

Science, Technology & Society:
• HW #7 (Due MONDAY):  Battle of the Personal Computers
     In a typed 1~2 page essay, I want you to answer the following questions citing several evidences in support of your answer.

1. Based on your analysis, why did Wintel PC win the battle for personal computers and Mac loses?

2. Could you have devised strategy that would have reverse the outcome of this battle?

Dr. Liu

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